Saturday, 24 September 2011

Who will drive my car home? The reasons why Drivers On Scoot should!

Read on the last statistics and facts about drink driving in Australia / Victoria.
Please note the following information is extracted from verified sources such as Govermental organizations and Lawyers' firms publications.

How many people have asked the same questions when going out?
"Who will drive my car home now?" or Who will  be the designated driver tonight?"

My answer is:
"I will... or more precisely a scooterman from Drivers On Scoot will!"
We are fast approaching the "silly season" and our number should be stored in most Melbourne drivers's phone. Hereunder are some of the best reason why.

If you read this blog, please save the number now:
1300 9337483
and pass it onto all your friends and family.

Will you lose your licence if caught drink-driving?
If you are over 0.5, then in many cases YES.
If you are under 26 or had a licence for less than 3 years and/or you are over 0.7, then in all cases YES.
How long will you lose your licence for?
Any reading up to .09 will result in a licence loss for a minimum period of six months. For readings of .10 you get 10 months, for .11 you get eleven months, .12 you get 12 months and so on up to 24 months. For a second or subsequent offence those minimum periods double.
Can you get a drive to work licence if caught drink driving?
NO. If the Court takes your licence away you cannot get a drive to work licence. You will have to make alternative arrangements for work, even if you depend on your licence to make a living.

Why is it important to book our service in advance?
After drinking too much you are unable to make safe, responsible decisions and deal with complex problems. Mreover, since everyone is affected by alcohol differently, there is no set number of drinks to stay under the limit. Even if you drink a set amount on two separate occasions, you might get different blood alcohol concentration readings which makes it very hard to know whether you are over the limit or not.

MAXIMUM Penalties for Drink Driving offences committed after 10.10.2006
First Offence
Max Fine
Max Prison
All first offenders $1,400 Nil
Second Offence
Under 0.15% $7,000 6 months
On or over 0.15% $14,000 12 months
Refusing a requirement $14,000 12 months
Third Offence
Under 0.15% $14,000 12 months
On or over 0.15% $21,000 18 months
Refusing a requirement $21,000 18 months

In comparison, our service cost starts at $45 and averages at $70 for inner-suburbs around Melbourne!

A report issued in October 2009 stated annual figures for Drink Driving in Australia of:
  • 12,399,027 Breath Tests carried out in the last year
  • 111,045 people charged with drink driving in that year
This shows that almost 9 in every 1,000 drivers breath tested, during 2009 were over the Australian drink driving limit of 50 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood, commonly known as 0.05. (maybe about 4 per 1,000 over 0.08)

In 2011 the number of drivers caught DUI was 16,946 over 0.5 and 9,320 over 0.8!
Alcohol and effects on driving:
Safe driving requires the driver to pay attention to many things at once and to be able to react quickly when something unexpected happens.
All drivers need:
  • to be mentally alert;
  • to have clear vision;
  • physical coordination; and
  • the ability to react appropriately.
Impairment of any of these driving abilities can increase the risk of having a crash.
The dangers of driving after using alcohol include that the driver:
  • takes longer to react, especially to emergency situations;
  • their ability to think clearly is reduced, making it difficult to perform the multiple tasks required in order to drive safely;
  • their ability to pay attention is reduced, such as not noticing other road users; and
  • may have blurred vision and reduced hearing.
Common effects of alcohol, such as feeling more confident, may also lead to increased risk taking, while effects such as feeling more relaxed may lead to the driver falling asleep at the wheel.
A person who drinks alcohol may think they can alter their driving to counteract any impairment to their driving ability. However, this is a dangerous approach, as the effects of alcohol may mean that the driver:
  • fails to notice something they would normally have observed;
  • may have an altered view and experience of reality — their actions and responses may be quite different to what is actually needed; and
  • may be unaware how much their driving skills are affected after drinking alcohol.

Our biggest challenge is undoubtably to get Melbourne to know about us and understand the concept.
You drink we drive is our motto and the choice of 1300 We Drive number is not fortuite because:

IF YOU DRINK, WE DRIVE... as simple as that! 

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